
BIONEXT has mainly entered into partnerships in the following areas:


As a company with a social commitment, BioneXt Lab supports voluntary associations working in the health sector in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

The BioneXt Lab laboratory supports the Association Don de Moelle du Luxembourg (Luxembourg association for bone marrow donation) and the Plooschter Projet by helping in the procedure required to add potential donors to the world bone marrow donor registry. Samples can be taken in any one of the BioneXt Lab and Picken Doheem test centres, or at home thanks to our mobile service.

Requirements to become a donor:

  • complete a health questionnaire
  • no more than 2 pregnancies
  • aged 40 or less
  • 50 kg min.
  • give a blood sample

BioneXt Lab supports the international charity Doctors of the World by offering to collect samples and carry out biological analyses free of charge for vulnerable people in Luxembourg. This collaboration between Médecins du Monde and BioneXt Lab aims at providing long term multidisciplinary medical care for those in difficulty who do not, in most cases, have access to the national healthcare system. One of the other goals of the partnership is to revive dialogue and rebuild confidence between this vulnerable population and the health professionals.

MSF provides humanitarian emergency medical assistance to people affected by armed conflicts, epidemics, exclusion from healthcare or disasters, whether natural or caused by humans. BioneXt Lab supports MSF by giving it visibility with a view to collecting donations in its test centres. MSF posters are to be found in all waiting rooms, with donation boxes allowing patients to make a donation after their biological sample has been taken.

ALIVE's concept emerged in 2015 in response to the needs expressed by the population and the environment of short- and long-term care.

The evolution of lifestyles requires health professionals to evaluate and adapt their professional approaches. As a result, and with a philosophy based on different theories and concepts from the field of human and social sciences (clinical science, educational science, psychology), the entire ALIVE team is committed to providing quality work so that care is optimal for both young and older people.

The “Plooschter Projet” was initiated by Yannick Lieners, who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia at the age of 25. While his form of leukaemia can be treated with medication, other people need blood or bone marrow donations during their treatment.

Patients who depend on marrow donation must undergo a form of chemotherapy that takes effect for approximately one month. During this time, they must find a suitable marrow donor, or they may relapse and must repeat the treatment.

The aim of the “Plooschter Projet”  is to encourage as many people as possible to register as marrow donors and thus possibly save the life of a leukaemia patient.

Solidarité, générosité et respect de la dignité humaine sont les trois principes qui guident la Fondation du Grand-Duc Henri et de la Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa.

La Fondation du Grand-Duc Henri et de la Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa est née de la fusion de la Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse et de la Fondation Prince Henri-Princesse Maria Teresa.

La fondation s'engage :

  • Assistance

Donner suite aux demandes d'assistance et de secours adressées par des personnes résidant au Luxembourg à la Famille grand-ducale ou à la Fondation.

  • Inclusion

Contribuer à l’inclusion sociale, scolaire, professionnelle et culturelle de personnes souffrant d’un handicap mental, physique ou social.

  • Aide humanitaire

Contribuer financièrement à la réalisation de projets de développement et d’aide humanitaire à l’étranger.

  • Sensibiliser

Thématiser les problématiques de populations vulnérables et sensibiliser à leur sort.

Friendship est une organisation internationale à but social* guidée par la vision d'un monde où les personnes - en particulier celles qui sont difficiles à atteindre et à traiter - ont des chances égales de vivre dans la dignité et l'espoir.

* Une organisation à but social (OBS) est une organisation qui s'occupe de questions sociales et qui donne toujours la priorité aux intérêts des communautés qu'elle sert.

La vision de Friendship est presque inchangée depuis 20 ans et est plus pertinente que jamais dans un monde confronté à des défis globaux croissants tels que l'exclusion des services vitaux, la crise environnementale, l'extrême pauvreté, l'inégalité et l'injustice.

Le Bangladesh est le berceau de Friendship et abrite les régions où se concentrent leurs activités. Le pays a été formé dans le delta de deux des plus grands fleuves du monde. Les dépôts de limon de l'Himalaya donnent au sol du Bangladesh sa fertilité unique, mais cette géographie rend également le pays particulièrement vulnérable aux catastrophes naturelles.

Deux fois par an, pendant la saison des cyclones tropicaux, des tempêtes dévastatrices se forment au-dessus du golfe du Bengale et frappent la côte sud du Bangladesh. Chaque saison de mousson, la combinaison de la fonte des neiges de l'Himalaya et des pluies locales torrentielles provoque des inondations catastrophiques.

Leurs opérations sont concentrées dans les régions les plus reculées du Bangladesh qui sont en première ligne de nombreux défis globaux qui définissent notre monde aujourd'hui, y compris la crise climatique, le manque d'accès aux services vitaux, l'inégalité et la pauvreté.

Friendship emploie environ 3200 personnes au Bangladesh, dont les deux tiers sont issus des communautés desservies par Friendship.

Cycling for Health a été créée en 2016. C'est une association dont le seul but est de soutenir la recherche contre le cancer.

En 2011, le Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrish (CHEM) a décidé d'assumer une responsabilité sociétale qui va au-delà de sa mission d'institution de santé et d'organiser pour la 1ère fois une journée cyclo-sportive ayant comme finalité de récolter des fonds destinés à soutenir la recherche contre le cancer.

Depuis 2011, le Master Tour connaît un succès grandissant et aujourd'hui la randonnée est connue par les cyclistes luxembourgeois et frontaliers. 


The main aim of the partnerships between BioneXt Lab and major insurance companies is to improve the health and life quality of their policyholders.

DKV Luxembourg, a member of the LALUX Group, offers a range of services ranging from minimum travel health insurance coverage to comprehensive health insurance both in Luxembourg and abroad.
As a health specialist, DKV Luxembourg is a competent and trustworthy partner in health insurance, whether for private and/or professional customers. 
DKV Luxembourg, market leader in private health insurance services and products in Luxembourg, and the BIONEXT laboratory both have the main objective of preserving health capital. The partnership established with DKV guarantees their policyholders the best medical care, not only in the event of illness, but also in terms of prevention and improvement of comfort and quality of life thanks to an adequate range of services.

IT and technology

Partnerships in the IT field help roll out new services aimed at improving patient care and a patient's quality of life.

Building on the design of intuitive tools based on artificial intelligence (AI), BioneXt LAB and Medicus.AI are working together to develop interactive solutions aimed at democratising health data and improving the relationship between patients and their health professionals.

The collaboration between Medicus.AI and BioneXt LAB has already led to the creation of B-next CARE, a comprehensive preventive medicine platform allowing users to adapt their styles of living to their test results, the evolution of their biometric data and the latest medical know-how.


Our specialised departments enable us to carry out almost all the analyses entrusted to us. Only certain rare analyses are sent to specialised partner laboratories.
We also carry out numerous examinations for other laboratories, including hospital labs.

The task of the health service is to meet the obligations of employers such as medical check-ups, ergonomics of workstations and workplaces and the organization of first aid.

In addition to the legal framework, the role of occupational medicine is to provide information and training so as to promote safety, good health and well-being, both physical and psychological, at workplace. A support and follow-up programme to deal with health risks and problems caused by stress, harassment and burnout is also available for employees of the affiliated companies.

In addition to medical services and in order to ensure effective prevention, the ASTF also offers companies in the tertiary and financial sectors personalized check-ups and health coaching during which in-depth examinations are carried out. These private and confidential examinations are at the exclusive request of the affiliated companies.

BioneXt LAB has a latest generation technical platform for carrying out all the routine tests and specialized analyses during check-ups as well as the Picken Doheem mobile blood test service in companies if they opt for it.

The ASTF and BioneXt LAB are proud to announce their partnership which is driven by the common ambition to pool skills, services and turnkey solutions so as to improve daily care for employees in the tertiary and financial sectors.

At the beginning of 2017, BioneXt Lab signed an agreement with the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch (CHEM) to provide outpatient laboratory services for their three sites: Esch-sur-Alzette, Niederkorn and Dudelange. Far more than a simple transfer of work to a sub-contractor, this partnership demonstrates a commitment to achieving the critical mass required to jointly develop innovative tools and services based on new technologies.

From the patient's point of view there is still only one single care team responsible for their treatment, as continuity is maintained between the services. The patient is monitored from the moment their care begins at home, followed by their arrival at the hospital and until they return home again. Their contact remains with the same chain of care professionals and their laboratory results include both outpatient and inpatient care.

The partnership developed between the BioneXt LAB and Eurofins Biomnis laboratories is intended to:

  • Extend the range of specialised clinical pathology analyses available in Luxembourg
  • Improve scientific communication between clinicians and clinical pathologists by pooling their respective resources and expertise for the benefit of patients

As part of this partnership, the BioneXt LAB laboratory is also processing samples for the Eurofins Biomnis laboratory in the autoimmunity field.

Created in 2008, and accredited since 2009, the Laboratoire Luxembourgeois de Contrôle Sanitaire (LLuCS) capitalises on its strong experience in three areas of expertise:

  • Hygiene and food safety
  • Water
  • Environment

The laboratory is accredited under the EN ISO/CEI 17025 standard, ensuring high quality service however demanding the request.
In addition to its range of routine tests, the laboratory also offers more specialist analyses such as:

  • Bacterial identification
  • Carcass analysis, nerve tissue detection
  • Testing for antibiotics and mycotoxins, etc

"Founded in 1998, Help is a network of home care providers that brings together various partners who are convinced that close cooperation is necessary and useful to provide the best possible care for all people concerned, regardless of gender, age or origin.

Around 1,200 employees provide high-quality home care at Help every day. Their work is also distinguished by the attention they pay to the smallest needs of their clients and the individual exchanges they have with the beneficiaries of the network.

Thanks to the values of proximity, listening and quality, Help offers thousands of people a genuine social link, characterised by exchange, respect and humanity. By living these values on a daily basis, Help ensures that ""every day is a good day""."

Päiperléck was founded in 2009 by Robert Hein and is a 2nd generation Luxembourg company, active in the field of personal assistance and present throughout Luxembourg. Päiperléck is specialised in the field of assistance and care, providing the most complete service to its clients.

The company currently has 4 assisted residences in Bissen, Beaufort, Schengen and Weidingen as well as 2 integrated centres for elderly people (CIPA) in Esch and Rodange. Päiperléck also has 5 day care centres/CPGs, a 24-hour palliative care team throughout the country and holiday beds for temporary stays.

The history of the Hein family has resulted in a family business on a human scale, because although it is growing, the branches and services are run in small units so that clients are the focus and are cared for by a small number of staff. This approach makes it possible to establish a close relationship with clients and to guarantee a better follow-up of their care.

Paramedicus is a 24/7 home care service founded in 2012 by the association of two nurses with a long professional experience in Luxembourg. For the company, the patient is at the centre of their activities, so it is essential to build a relationship of trust between patients, families, health partners and their home care teams.

Their priority in providing home care is to respect the person and their dignity. Thanks to their many years of experience in wound care, regular further training, and their many reliable contacts, they offer care services in accordance with medical prescriptions, and work closely with doctors and medical institutions.

Founded in 2005, Verbandskëscht is a home care and assistance service in Luxembourg, open to all and to every generation. Whatever your need, our skilled and qualified teams will take care of you. And to make things easier for you, all our carers speak Luxembourgish.

Our care team members are professional and committed, and put all their expertise to work for you. They are regularly trained according to the latest recommendations and care techniques released by health authorities, in order to guarantee you high-quality care services.

The PICKEN DOHEEM service has a new partner for mobile sampling: the home care network

With more than 25 years of experience, competence and kindness, it is your contact and regional HELP partner when it comes to the care of your loved ones. Since its creation, the home care and assistance services have continued to develop. Today, their care team consists of more than 70 employees who look after dependent people or those weakened by their state of health at home and in their day centres in Niederanven and Sandweiler.